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Schilling Messebau,
trade fair stand construction
- your top brand contact point!
Creativity, reliability and customer-oriented flexibility for perfect brand and trade fair showcasing are the strengths which have made us a firm fixture on the European trade fair construction scene. With individual, system-based concepts we create well-rounded brand settings which have a lasting impact – totally focused on offering the perfect presentation of your company, product, or service. Always combined with fast and cost-optimised implementation, offering benefits which we can pass on to our customers.

One-stop shopping for expertise and flexibility
What SCHILLING means for you: customised brand and trade fair presentations. From expert initial consulting to the finished stand, we provide all the services required for the successful and impact-making showcasing of your company – all from a single source.
Schilling Signmaking - Premium Advertising
Brilliant eyecatchers for interior and exterior advertising, as well as trade fairs.
Of course you wish to make a lasting impression! We offer you a wide range of possibilities, including large-scale banner printing, foil inscription, digital printing, vehicle lettering, and building signage.
Stefanie Helm & Sascha Duschek
Ensuring your trade fair success for over 40 years
Experienced teams, comprehensive know-how and experience of all major European trade fair locations. As company, we have been concentrating our strengths on one specific target for more than 40 years: your trade fair success. Everyone in the SCHILLING team makes an individual contribution. Whether they’re planners, consultants, craftsmen, or installers – each of these highly qualified specialists can be relied on. Each individual is the basis for the success of the whole team. This is our conviction and our customers experience it.
Reference projects
Corner stand. Inline stand. Peninsula stand. Island stand. Single or double level. Our reference projects are as diverse as the possibilities involved.