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Safety first

At SCHILLING Messebau, the safety of our employees is our top priority. That’s why we make sure that our first aid skills are regularly refreshed. Recently, it was that time again, and our team gathered for another first aid course.

It was a great opportunity to update our skills and make sure we all know what to do in an emergency. The course was a great mix of theory and practical exercises. Everyone had the chance to practise important techniques and have a bit of fun at the same time.

A big thank you to all the participants and of course to our great trainers who made the course so interesting and informative. At SCHILLING Messebau we are well prepared – for everyone’s safety!

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Gründung der Schilling Messebau GbR
Unternehmen / 2024 / Firmenhistorie / 01

Gründung Schilling Messebau GbR in Ludwigsburg durch Siegfried & Dieter Schilling

Einstellung der erten 2 Mitarbeiter
Gründung der Schilling Messebau GbR
Unternehmen / 2024 / Firmenhistorie / 01

Gründung Schilling Messebau GbR in Ludwigsburg durch Siegfried & Dieter Schilling

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