In memory of our company founder

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SCHILLING goes ISO 20121

◄ overview SCHILLING Messe- und Ausstellungsbau GmbH starts into a sustainable future with ISO 20121 We are pleased to announce the start of the development of a management system in accordance with ISO 20121. This initiative marks an important step in our commitment to comprehensive sustainability and responsible management in all aspects of our business […]
Congratulations to SCHUNK!

◄ overview The HERMES AWARD was presented by Deutsche Messe AG for the 21st time. This internationally renowned award is traditionally presented on the opening day of the Hannover Messe and honors innovative products and solutions that represent significant advances in industrial technology and automation. Just being nominated for the award is a great honor, […]
Safety first

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A breath of fresh air

Happy Easter!

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We want YOU!

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2024 with SCHILLING

… creatively into the new year
Merry Christmas!

And a happy new year!
A new era

… with the preservation of old values